Thursday, 21 April 2016

All about My chosen TV series "American Horror Story- Freak Show"

Etsy (2016) Unavailable listing on Etsy. Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2016).
Inline Citations:
  • (Etsy, 2016)

American Horror Story "The Freak Show" and ideas for my chosen character designs

I have chosen American Horror story season 4 the Freak Show, I chose this because I love how creepy they make it by choosing real life people from history with abnormalities, it is set in the 1950's/60's in Jupiter in the USA, it is extremely popular for people from 18-49, due to the love affairs, the handsome, rebel male which attracts the younger females and the older woman main character Elsa Mars showing the woman is in charge which is very liberating for women.

American Horror Story October 1st 2014 written by Jasmyne Alice

I also researched into the inspiration of this season the Freak show and it came from the film 'Freaks' 1932 which have characters which represent each character in the season. It's interesting to see their interpretation and inspiration guidance from the old movie. 

17th February 2014 The film 'Freaks' Directed by Tod Browning

It also attracts audience viewers because of the time its set due to their fashion sense and how there was a lot less rules and how people saw people with abnormalities, where the show reflects how sectioned they were from 'normal' people. I like how they stand up for themselves and what a close troupe of 'freaks' they are, with each one of them with something wrong with them, even when its not visible which makes it creepy. 

A lot happens within a small network of people, they are 'freaks' that aren't accepted from the outside 'worldly' people, they seem to be taken the mick out of and treated like animals and I enjoy seeing them fight back because they are just like every other person just different.

My first character I have chosen is Mrs. Laderman who will be replacing Elsa Mars the main woman control of her circus and her freaks. She is very much in control of her circus, she is the boss, she is charismatic, charming and strong. I feel she closely links with Elsa Mars' personality and I think this is a great replacement; Mrs. Laderman is controlling and powerful to Claudia. 

Elsa Mars played by Jessica Lange American Horror Story October 1st 2014 written by Jasmyne Alice

I want Mrs. Laderman to be in the spotlight as her setting as if she was taking stage to do the finial, I want her to be at her strongest point, looking glamorous in her 1950's glam with her hair curled and pinned to her head and her bright use of colour within her makeup. 

American Horror Story October 1st 2014 written by Jasmyne Alice
Jimmy Darling (Evan Peters), Gloria Mott, Jytoi Amge and 

However, every character in American Horror story has something wrong with them physically or mentally, I want to create a slight crazed look in her face due to being so controlling shes become psychotic and I want her to have 'glass eyes' which will symbolise whats wrong with her.

I will use contact lenses to create this look. It is a controlling element of hers and hypnotizes people under her power in order for them to find her irresistible and all powerful, this will make people agree with her and will make her seem fascinating. This works with keeping Claudia under her wing. 

The word I used for Mrs. Laderman is 'Fork', because its powerful and strong like her, it controls the food you eat and I feel she is the fork and her food is her freaks. I also loved the photography behind the fork and some of the photos reminded me of the shadow you get of the strings of a puppet at a carnival and also the swirls of the american horror story carnival tent print; therefore I felt this best symbolised her power and greed. 


Moore, K. (2015) When will ‘American horror story: Freak show’ come to Netflix? - Whats on Netflix. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2016).
Inline Citations: 
  • (Moore, 2015)

The First Footage From "AHS: Freak Show" Is Terrifying

Wieselman, J. (2016) The First footage from ‘AHS: Freak show’ is terrifying. Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2016).
Inline Citations: 
  • (Wieselman, 2016)

(No Date) Available at: (Accessed: 25 April 2016).
Inline Citations: 
  • ([CSL STYLE ERROR: reference with no printed form.])

elsa Mars in American Horror Story season 4- the freak Show
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