About Moustaches...
I wanted to research into male facial hair and what it was like back in the late victorian times to gather inspiration for my moustache i'll be buying and curling and waxing to fit with my character design. I really want to incorporate facial hair into my design, because I know it was very popular for men during that period of time to have facial hair; therefore I wanted to look further.I researched how popular they were during the victorian times. I found out that they were very popular during 1860- 1916, where they had big, well maintained moustaches where British military actually required all there soldiers to support a moustache to show authority as a male.
They were considered lip warmers, men would keep them tamed with the use of wax to style them and curl them with small iron tongs to give shape and definition; they even would dye them to give them a more vibrant appearance.
The only problem was when they drunk hot drinks or become hot the wax would melt and the dye would drip down causing it to become a bother; soon after a guy named Harvey Adams invented a moustache cup designed for men to drink hot drinks out of, it forms a shield for the moustache and a small hole to drink out of, it was ideal for men, these came onto the scene between 1850-1860.

Victorian times- Pinterest image with no link to direct source- saved by Noelle Care- unknown model
Url: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/349943833519093465/
Information for text:
The victorian moustache cup published 19th February 2015 written by Karl Smallwood
url: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2015/02/victorian-moustache-cup/
The moustaches of the late Victorian times
I looked into moustaches because I want to incorporate one into my character design of Mr. Hyde because they were very popular during this era and when reading the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I visualised him with a moustache because of his status of being a well known, middle class scientist and when researching into moustaches a lot of men had them during the late victorian times. However, I knew I wanted to use a black moustache to match with the sleek hair, waxed and curled at the ends, because I could imagine Mr. Hyde when he's thinking playing with his moustache, being a mischievous gentleman.
H. G. Wells
For all images:
Published 17th September 2012
H.G Wells, Photographer Alfred Stieglitz self-portrait, c. 1894, age 30, John Wilkes Booth, Josh billings, Charles Chase, Charles Vansert,
I found a lot of the moustaches are full with a lot of volume and curled at the ends so this reinforced the moustache design I wanted to use. I all these images I found online and have inspired me further to use a moustache in my design.