Background and brief history of Mr. Hyde
Also Including Character & personality
Image from: Science of observation blogged by Anna Kavan- 28th January 2013
Image from-San Francisco symphony- Friday 31st October 2014- John Barrymore is Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde film with live organ
1920 Silent movie clip of transition- youtube- uploaded 7th November 2011
My chosen character is Mr. Edward Hyde, the alter ego to Dr. Jekyll, he was 'born' due to an experiment taken place by Dr.Jekyll in his dark, hidden away labortary, Dr. Jekyll was a scientist, seeking more then a good life, as he was well respected man across his town and he had urges to commit crimes but wanted to do so without feeling guilt; so he created a potion to do exactly that. Mr. Hyde raised from his inner deep dark side, this transformed his entire persona, physically and mentally, it was everything Dr. Jekyll could of asked for and more.
Image from IMDB-Mr. Hyde from Silent movie 1920- John Barrymore
Time went on and he became is obsessed with transforming himself to this sinister, evil, devilish person? was he human or was he a demon?
Reading the book makes him sound, heartless, fearless, creepy with no soul, he felt nothing, even though charasmatic in his ways to get what he wanted.
After sometime Dr. Jekyll couldn't control when he would turn into Mr. Hyde and his transformation would occur randomly with no warning this happened frequently, so Dr. Jekyll felt scared of this, as Mr. Hyde was taking over the Dr., therefore he hid away from society, everyone and was a recluse in his laboratory where only his butler saw him.

Image: Kayla on word press- published May 17th 2015

Image: Kayla on word press- published May 17th 2015
His old friends, some would say nosey? not minding their own business but however fearful of Dr. Jekyll's saftey, they hunted him down in order to gain the truth of what has happened to Dr.Jekyll, they become curious due to incidents occurring and horrible gruesome crimes happening and always linking back to Mr.Hyde who they knew was close with Dr. Jekyll.
They soon realise and discover Dr.Jekyll is Mr.Hyde.
The story ends suddenly and the book leaves it open to your own imagination to believe what you like.
Did he commit suicide or was he murdered?
How could Mr. Hyde kill Dr.Jekyll if they are the same person?
I love this clip, I enjoy how eery it is, how subtle the hair and makeup is, the use of dark greased hair and with his subtle movements that aren't classic human like, it all adds to the character and reinforced me to keep the makeup and hair classical simple yet effective. I enjoyed this version the most as it kept with the victorian style, which I was looking for, its the earliest version of the book and it is beautifully done.
Youtube clip from 1920 silent movie- John Barrymore- uploaded July 15th 2008
I love this clip, I enjoy how eery it is, how subtle the hair and makeup is, the use of dark greased hair and with his subtle movements that aren't classic human like, it all adds to the character and reinforced me to keep the makeup and hair classical simple yet effective. I enjoyed this version the most as it kept with the victorian style, which I was looking for, its the earliest version of the book and it is beautifully done.
Mr. Hyde is a made up evil, unhuman sinister, devilish human, created by science of Dr.Jekyll or would you even call 'him' human? He is the transformation of Dr.Jekyll, his spilt personality, the difference between 'The good and the bad'. He is the weird and demon invention of Dr. Jekyll's dark deep inner ego. Where he can change in the matter of seconds when taking this 'poison' that over takes the mind and body producing this demon creature Mr. Hyde.
His personality is corupt, he sheds no fear nor guilt in his actions committing crimes, brutal murders, however he is charasmatic in his actions around others and when people are around him, he has this control over people which turns people into wanting to do forbidden, terrible things, for example lashing out at people and having this dark urge of commiting offences. He brings out peoples ability to be evil and wants people to explore this with him.
Mr. Hyde's state of mind is completely not there, his mind is shut when he's 'out to play' he feels nothing, he has no conscience, fear or emotion so this enables him to do this horrid things, he is spoken about 'pure evil' and this remains throughout the book until the very end.
Image: quotation from the 1920 silent movie- published on blog by Mark Malazarte