Saturday, 19 March 2016

Claudia face & hair chart Designs

I gathered some ideas from my mood board which is on my blog for my character design of Claudia, I wanted to create another freak to add to my chosen to series American horror story the freak show season 4. 

I wanted to capture the story of her being rescued by Mrs. Laderman her next door neighbour from a fire and being reconstructed into a main freak of her show. I wanted her to be transformed into a 'perfect' doll/puppet showing her being controlled by Mrs. Laderman, so this is where I got the idea of her being a real life puppet/doll. I wanted to show her misunderstood and vulnerability by her being mute and Mrs. Laderman being her leader as a ventriloquist.

I want Claudia to be misunderstood and people to not go near her, I want them to be intrigued by her presence and thinking she's evil due to Mrs. Laderman telling the others she's had a secret past.

She's only allowed out at the last act due to her being a isolated young lady and not having any interaction other then Mrs. Laderman and she also wants to keep it that way due to her controlling ways. 

Claudia Face Chart Design 1.

Face Chart Design 2.

Face Chart Design 3.

This is my first face chart design of my character Claudia, I wanted to test and try out a puppet/ doll design and i gathered inspiration from images of wooden dolls, therefore I wanted to create a wooden texture of the skin with different tones of browns with lined and circular effects, to create a fake right realistic feel of the doll.

I researched into 1950's/60's dolls and I loved the high arch look, making Claudia look from that era because my chosen show is from that time. I want to create large eyes with the illusion of white and dark tones around the eyes to make them pop and appear open and intense, it gives a creepy, strange feel which I want to create. I also wanted to use a timeless red lip colour to finish off the look. 
Lastly, I wanted to create subtle scratch marks/ cuts on the neck to show her being destressed, I will use scratch palette by Kryolan to create this with supra color.

Products used listed on Face Chart:

Face Chart Design  4. 

Claudia Hair chart design 1.

Hair Chart Design 2.

Hair Chart Design 3. 

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